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Terms of Use and Responsibilities

  1. Remit and Holdings

    The archive of the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) is a public research facility at ETH Zurich. Access to the holdings depends upon the current status of the processing of and research into the respective items, as well as on their conservational status. Restrictions apply to archival material subject to a non-access period or that are part of ongoing research and exhibition projects.

  2. Fees

    The use of the archive is free of charge. In the case of complex research and assistance, the work undertaken by members of archive staff may be charged for (CHF 100 per hour). For the fees for ordering copy-images and organising loans please consult the corresponding documents on our website.

  3. Archive Use

    The gta Archives is open to users from Tuesdays to Thursdays conditional upon advance registration. For user inquiries and scheduled dates we kindly request a short outline of your planned research using the submission form available. Ideally you should inform yourself about the holdings in advance via our website. The archive administration is allowed to refuse requests. The archive is closed in the first half of January and for the whole of August for inventory taking.

  4. Conditions

    • Archive material may only be consulted in the rooms of the archive.
    • Archive material is to be consulted with care and with clean hands.
    • When viewing photographs we kindly ask you to wear gloves.
    • When consulting documents only pencils are permitted to be used.
    • The consumption of food and drink is not permitted on the archive premises.
    • Documents may be photographed, but only for personal research requirements. These images may not be published or made available in any form to third parties.
  5. Obligations

    • The user undertakes herewith to comply with copyrights and ownership rights, as well as personal and privacy rights. The user is individually entirely responsible for the use of the information acquired and for any resulting consequences (e.g. legal claims). In the majority cases the evaluation and publication of the information acquired necessitates the explicit permission of the legal party concerned. In particular the user guarantees that the copies provided or electronically made copies of copyrighted material are solely used for legally permitted personal use, in as far as the consent of the copyright holder has not been obtained for other uses. Users who use copyright-protected works or information without permission are liable to compensate the archive for any possible damages incurred. In cases where the archive itself holds the necessary rights it can, in return for the payment of the designated fee, issue permission to publish, reproduce, transmit or otherwise publicise the material, restricted to the stated purpose, non-exclusive and with no liability assumed in terms of any third-party rights. Independent publications in any form that consist entirely or largely of documents from the archive always require a separately specified agreement.
    • When citing or quoting from archive material, both the document and its inventory file should be provided, and wherever possible the signature mark: gta Archives / ETH Zurich, inventory or holding designation, signature.
    • We would expect to be supplied with a specimen copy of any publication involving material held by the gta Archives of ETH Zurich.